Antoinette Zalzal

Naturopathic Doctor, Integrative Nutritionist, Heart Math SpecialisT

Integrative Nutritionist - Antoinette Zaizal

Meet Antoinette Zalzal, Sanskara Dubai’s holistic health and wellness expert with over 30 years of experience.

As a Naturopathic doctor, integrative nutritionist, and Heart Math trainer, she specializes in the powerful science of epigenetics, which explores how our lifestyle (nutrition, sleep etc.) and emotional well-being can influence our genes. 

Throughout her career, Antoinette has been on a mission to restore and heal people from the inside out. She has dedicated herself to tackling common nutrition-related issues that can wreak havoc on our bodies, from poor sleep to weight fluctuations to skin problems and gut health. 

But her skills and expertise go far beyond the basics. Antoinette has proven herself to be a champion for those facing extreme health challenges, including diabetes, coronary heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune disorders. 

With her unwavering commitment to helping people through a holistic approach to wellness, she crafts a tailored program encompassing every aspect of your life.

To achieve a 180-degree transformation that's both sustainable and long-lasting she uses the following methods:

  1. A powerful bio resonance technology: a non-invasive test that can give your insight into your body and conditions.

  2. The power of circadian rhythm: the fascinating world of our body’s inner clock that focuses on not only what her clients eat, but also the optimal timing of meals based on their biological clock.

  3. Easy to follow nutrition-packed recipes and meal plans 

  4. Aligning thoughts, actions & intentions for heart brain coherence to improve immune system increase energy levels and bring greater joy and emotional wellbeing. 

With her unwavering commitment to helping people through a holistic approach to wellness, she crafts a tailored program encompassing nutrition, supplements, habits, and lifestyle changes. 

Book a Treatment With Antoinette Zalzal:

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