Jorge Esparza Veracruz

Bio Magnetic Therapy and Magneto Acupuncture

Bio magnetic healing and Magneto puncture

Jorge Esparza brings a unique and deeply healing and natural approach to therapy, specializing in Bio Magnetic Therapy and Magneto Puncture.

Developed by Dr. Isaac Goiz, MD from Mexico, this therapy uses pairs of magnets to rebalance your body's pH levels and combat pathogens, using pairs of magnets in different areas of the body to address a wide array of conditions, including chronic pain, emotional imbalances, and systemic disorders.

His expertise in Magneto Puncture—a technique that combines the principles of acupuncture with magnetic therapy—allows him to offer clients a non-invasive, holistic approach to wellness that is both innovative and deeply rooted in traditional healing wisdom.

With years of dedicated study and practice, Jorge has honed his skills in these innovative therapies, grounded in the belief that true wellness emerges from a harmonious balance within the body's magnetic fields.

Jorge's journey into the world of alternative healing began after witnessing the transformative power of BioMagnetic Healing in his personal life. Inspired by the profound changes he experienced, Jorge embarked on a path to master these techniques, driven by a desire to offer others the same opportunity for deep, lasting healing.

Book a Treatment With Jorge Esparza Veracruz:

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